A ripe avocado usually has dark green to black skin. If it’s too bright green, it may need more time to ripen. Avoid ones with very dark spots, as they may be overripe.
A good avocado should feel slightly soft but not mushy. If it's too hard, it needs more time to ripen. If it feels too soft, it may be overripe and have brown spots inside.
Peel back the small stem at the top. If it comes off easily and is green underneath, the avocado is ripe. If it's brown, the inside may be overripe or have dark spots.
Avoid avocados with deep cuts, bruises, or mold. These signs mean the fruit may be damaged inside. A smooth, even texture is best for a fresh and creamy avocado.
Weight Management: Despite being calorie-dense, the fiber and healthy fats in avocados help you feel full longer, aiding in appetite control and weight management.
Stronger Eyesight: Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and age-related eye issues.
Improved Mental Health: Rich in folate, avocados can help support brain health, potentially reducing the risk of depression and enhancing mood stability.