When the air is crisp, and the days are just beginning to lengthen, February whispers secrets to aspiring gardeners. Tomato seeds, those juicy red gems of summer, can be started indoors now.
As winter's grip begins to loosen, the time is ripe for planting pepper seeds. These colorful beauties bring a touch of exotic flair to your garden.
February invites the delightful aroma of basil into your home. These aromatic seeds are ready to sprout into a lush green herb.
Sow them into trays and allow them to bask in the glow of a grow light. Maintain consistent moisture, and watch as their crinkled leaves unfurl with strength. Your future coleslaw and stir-fries will thank you.
Scatter the seeds lightly over prepared soil, either in trays or directly in the garden. Water gently and let the dew-kissed mornings work their magic. Before you know it, your salads will burst with homegrown flavor.
Broccoli seeds, nature's little bundles of health, are ready to take root in February. These nutrients-packed vegetables thrive when started early indoors.
February is the perfect time to embark on the cauliflower-growing adventure. These white wonders need a head start indoors to reach their full potential.