Thanks to a high protein content, these shakes can keep you fuller for longer, and the protein also has the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels, which can aid your path to achieving an optimal weight.
Nuts and seeds are high in healthy omega-3 fats that are not only great for regulating blood sugar, but also good for the overall well-being of the body.
Greek yogurt makes a great snack for those who are hungry before bed but want to maintain weight. It contains substantial amounts of protein and fats, and it is also low in carbs.
Much like yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese also contain protein and fats that can keep you feeling satiated for longer, making them great pre-bedtime snacks.
Eggs are low in calories and high in protein. They also contain many nutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, choline, and tryptophan, which all aid in certain physiologic functions and that, includes the ability to regulate sleep.
Sometimes, all you need is a cup of warm milk. This can solve the troubles that come with a sleepless night, as the tryptophan content in milk can make one feel sleepy. After all, getting a good night's rest is essential for weight loss
Sometimes, we think we are hungry when we actually feel thirsty. Maybe try sipping a cup of tea the next time you are hungry because you may just feel thirsty instead of hungry.