The Western Prairie Fringed Orchid is a stunning flower native to the tallgrass prairies of the Midwest. Its delicate, fringed petals make it a sight to behold.
Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, the Koki‘o is a rare hibiscus with beautiful white flowers. This plant's natural habitat has been drastically reduced due to deforestation and invasive species
Once thought to be extinct, the Tennessee Purple Coneflower was rediscovered and is now federally listed as endangered. Found only in a few cedar glades in Tennessee, this flower faces threats from habitat destruction and invasive plants.
The Cliff Palace Milkvetch, found in the rocky slopes of Colorado's Mesa Verde, is a rare plant that faces numerous threats, including climate change and human interference. Its unique purple blooms and the limited range make it particularly vulnerable.
This vibrant red flowering plant is native to San Clemente Island off the coast of California. Military activities and the introduction of non-native species have severely impacted its population.
Though not a flower, the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp is a critical part of the ecosystem that supports rare flowers like the California Orcutt Grass. Found in seasonal vernal pools, these shrimp are essential for the health of these unique habitats.
Found in the northeastern United States, the Sandplain Gerardia thrives in sandy, open fields. Its bright pink flowers are a rare sight, as much of its habitat has been lost to farming and development.