Avocado with Brown Spots: Is it Still Good to Eat?

Surface Brown Spots: Brown spots on the surface of an avocado can occur from bruising or oxidation. These are typically harmless and don't affect the rest of the fruit, so you can simply cut away the affected areas.

Ripeness Check: Brown spots in an avocado can be a sign that it’s overripe, but if the fruit is still soft and hasn’t turned mushy, it’s still okay to eat. Check for any signs of excessive softness or a sour smell, which indicate it may be spoiled.

Taste and Texture: Sometimes brown spots can slightly affect the texture or flavor, making it a bit less creamy. If the avocado tastes off or has an unpleasant texture, it’s best to discard it.

Oxidation: If the avocado has been exposed to air for a while, the flesh can turn brown due to oxidation. This is safe to eat, though it might not be as appealing. You can scrape off the top layer if necessary.

Cut Around the Spots: If only a small portion of the avocado is affected by brown spots, just remove the damaged area with a knife and enjoy the rest.

Brown on the Seed: Sometimes the area around the pit can brown faster. If the flesh around the pit is still green and fresh, it's generally okay to eat.

Storage Matters: If your avocado has brown spots and you’ve already cut it open, it may mean it’s been stored too long or improperly. 



