English Ivy Though popular for its ability to cover walls, English Ivy can release harmful toxins like formaldehyde and benzene into the air, which may affect respiratory health over time.
Peace Lily While beautiful and efficient at removing some toxins, Peace Lilies contain calcium oxalate, which can be harmful if ingested by pets or humans. Additionally, they can sometimes release mold spores if overwatered.
Oleander Known for its vibrant flowers, Oleander is highly toxic if consumed. It can also release small amounts of harmful compounds into the air, posing risks to children and pets.
Dieffenbachia (Dumb Cane) Dieffenbachia contains calcium oxalate crystals that can irritate the mouth and throat if chewed. It can also release formaldehyde into the air, which is harmful when inhaled in large amounts.
Ficus (Weeping Fig) While Ficus trees purify the air, they can also release airborne allergens that may cause respiratory issues for sensitive individuals. Their leaves can sometimes harbor mold if overwatered.
Aloe Vera Aloe Vera, while beneficial for topical use, can be toxic if ingested in large amounts, especially by pets. It may also release harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) under certain conditions.
Pothos (Devil’s Ivy) Though Pothos is easy to care for and great for improving air quality, it contains oxalates, which are toxic when ingested. It can also release VOCs like benzene when exposed to certain indoor air conditions.