Small Size – Shih Tzus are compact, making them ideal for apartment living in crowded cities where space is limited.
Low Energy – They have moderate energy levels and don’t require long walks, making them perfect for city dwellers with busy schedules.
Adaptable Nature – Shih Tzus adjust well to different environments, including noisy, bustling city life, and can easily fit into urban homes.
Good with Noise – They are generally unfazed by city noises, like traffic and crowds, which makes them comfortable in busy neighborhoods.
Low Maintenance Grooming – While their coat requires some care, their low shedding makes them ideal for people who want a cleaner living space.
Affectionate Companions – Shih Tzus are friendly and loyal, offering great companionship, which is perfect for city dwellers who may feel isolated.
Minimal Barking – They don’t typically bark excessively, making them considerate pets in apartment buildings with noise restrictions.