Birds in the garden are like miniature angels that bring song to the backyard. Hummingbirds, tanagers, and robins epitomize the whimsy and innocence that remind us why we loved being outside as kids
Acne causes pain and embarrassment for those unfortunate enough to experience it, and it's not just the acne itself that sparks these emotions. The cost of even over-the-counter remedies like benzoyl peroxide burns through cash.
Splinters hurt, plain and simple. If you've ever tried unsuccessfully to remove one from a finger, you know how elusive they are, too. For surface-level splinters, tweezers generally work well.
Anyone who has ever had any teeth whitening done can tell you that achieving movie star levels of pearly whiteness involves a mouthful of whitening trays, plus other poking and jabbing with Star Wars-type laser weapons
Most people know that bananas infuse our bodies with essential nutrients, including potassium. Per Healthline, this mineral promotes healthy blood pressure levels, stops kidney stones before they ever start
In the early 2000s, Kevin Spacey starred in the movie "K-PAX," a story that saw him as an alien ready to take on all Earth had to offer. In one very funny scene, his character eats a banana, peel and all.
Itch relief from that jaunt through poison ivy or mosquitoes' picnic may be as close as the fruit bowl on your counter. This folk remedy has been the not-so-secret ingredient to itch relief for decades