Sunflower Seeds Cardinals love sunflower seeds, especially the black-oil variety. These seeds are easy for them to crack open and provide plenty of nutrients. Consider offering them in a platform feeder for better access.
Safflower Seeds Safflower seeds are another favorite of cardinals. They're not as popular with other birds, so offering safflower seeds in a feeder can help attract more cardinals without competition.
Peanuts (Unsalted and Shelled) Cardinals enjoy peanuts, and offering unsalted, shelled peanuts can entice them to visit your feeders. You can place them in a tube feeder or scatter them on the ground.
Fruits Cardinals are drawn to various fruits, such as apple slices, oranges, and berries. You can set out pieces of fruit on a platform feeder or hang them in mesh bags to make them more accessible.
Fresh Water Providing a fresh water source, like a birdbath or shallow dish, will help attract cardinals. They need water not just for drinking but also for bathing, especially in hot weather.
Native Plants and Shrubs Planting native shrubs and trees, such as dogwood or holly, can provide cardinals with natural food sources like berries and seeds. These plants also offer shelter and nesting sites.
Quiet, Safe Environment Cardinals prefer quiet, safe spaces to feed, so avoid putting up feeders in areas with heavy foot traffic or too much noise. They also like dense shrubs and trees nearby for protection from predators.