Bananas will not spoil or become mushy if kept away from one common kitchen ingredient

It may seem obvious to keep bananas in a fruit bowl but this is actually one of the worst places to store them as it will cause them to spoil and become mushy quickly.

When too much fruit is piled on top of each other it will release too much ethylene gas into the air

Bananas already have a short lifespan and are not only extremely sensitive to ethylene gas but release a lot of it from their stems,

The experts at Zest Food Service have shared that you can store bananas next to citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons as they are unaffected by the gas

They explained: "The ethene which bananas release can affect many other fruits, such as apples and pears

which is why you should keep the bananas separate from these fruits unless you intentionally want to ripen them quicker."


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