Cutting out inflammatory foods with gluten (and amylase-trypsin inhibitors) not only means cutting bread, pasta, and beer from your diet but also some processed foods including soy sauce.
Another inflammatory food is dairy, such as milk and cheese. Research3 has linked the consumption of dairy to the increased risk of certain types of cancer including breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Soy was a popular health food for years, but it turns out that it may not be the superfood we once thought it was. This includes inflammatory foods like tofu, soymilk, edamame, soy nuts, soy sprouts, and miso.
When corn was consumed amongst indigenous communities, it was soaked in lye first; this process, known as nixtamalization, makes the B vitamin niacin and other nutrients more available for assimilation.
The data surrounding caffeine and inflammation is very mixed. While quite a few studies have actually linked coffee to anti-inflammatory benefits that reduce the risk of diabetes and lung disease, there is still a lot we don't know about caffeine.
Valpone herself notes that she had to cut out eggs for a period of time before being able to add them back to her diet. “After I'd healed my body and healed my gut, I eat three eggs a day,” she says.
Not only are peanuts one of the most common food allergens in the United States, but peanuts can contribute to inflammatory processes even for those who are not allergic.