Love says chia seeds can help you manage hunger and, as a result, your weight, if that's your goal.
Chia seeds have a unique knack for soaking up liquid and expanding, creating a gel-like texture that naturally helps curb your appetite
This quality keeps you feeling full longer, making it easier to resist snacking or overeating.
Loaded with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, chia seeds are a bone-building powerhouse," Love says
Two tablespoons contain about 15% of your daily calcium needs, so Love gives them a thumbs up for people looking for dairy-free ways to get this vital nutrient.
One ounce of chia seeds provides 26% of daily magnesium needs, which supports muscles, nerves, blood sugar, and even blood pressure," Cohn says
Some research, including a 2023 systemic review, indicates a possible link between magnesium intake and sleep