Stunning Dwarf Flowering Trees For Small Gardens

Crape myrtles are a group of about 50 native plants of India that provide reliable, vibrant color all summer long. They are well adapted to hot, dry climates, and they bear panicles of crinkled flowers at the ends of their stems for months at a time

Growing taller than many of the other trees on this list, downy serviceberry is a great choice for all-season beauty. In early spring, the downy serviceberry is covered with beautiful white clusters of blossoms.

Of all the dwarf flowering trees, dwarf citrus trees are among the most popular worldwide, and there is a lot to love about dwarf flowering citrus.

The Prairiefire flowering crabapple is actually an apple tree with some stunning characteristics. It bears dark pink to red blossoms every spring. These flowers stay on the tree for an unusually long time.

Purpleleaf sand cherry is a very hardy, compact flowering tree that bursts out with pinkish-white blossoms in early spring and bears distinctly purple foliage all summer.

Red dogwoods fill the role of a dwarf tree for 10 to 15 years after they are planted. Especially in locations that have cooler summers, they aren’t able to harden off new growth that would enable them to reach their full potential height of 30 to 40 feet.

Star magnolia is an extraordinarily versatile small flowering tree. It can adapt to soils and climates all over the continental United States, and it is useful in foundation plantings as well as a stand-alone specimen tree.

