Whether it's in quality or dollars, you always pay for convenience, a fact that's all too true when it comes to garlic
If you're passionate about cooking and are intent on getting the best bang for your buck, there is no substitute for fresh garlic, but peeling garlic is both a test of endurance and patience.
Even more aggravating, the smash and peel technique, a method recommended the most by seasoned cooks, is also the worst way to peel garlic.
Though you'll often see chefs on TV using the side of a sharp knife to smash and peel cloves of garlic, there's several reasons why this method has its drawbacks.
After smashing, the skin can become embedded in the clove, and the juices released from the broken cell membranes make peeling an excessively sticky situation
Also, crushing the garlic releases alliin, which interacts with an enzyme called alliinase and converts into allicin
If you're baking up a loaf of ultra flavorful garlic bread, smashed or finely minced garlic is perfect