Yellowing leaves are a common sign that your Pothos may need more attention. This usually happens when the plant is getting too much water or not enough light.
Wilting or drooping vines often mean your Pothos is thirsty or experiencing root issues. If the soil is dry, give it a thorough watering, making sure excess water can drain out
Brown tips or edges on Pothos leaves usually indicate low humidity or inconsistent watering. Make sure you’re watering the plant evenly—letting the soil dry out a bit between waterings but not completely
If your Pothos isn’t growing much, it could need more light or nutrients. Make sure it's in a well-lit spot but not in direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves
When Pothos leaves lose their shine, it could be a sign of dust buildup or insufficient care. Gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove any dust, allowing them to breathe better.
A foul smell coming from the soil is a clear sign of root rot. This happens when the plant sits in waterlogged soil for too long, causing the roots to decay.
Sparse foliage or leggy vines often mean your Pothos isn’t getting enough light. The plant stretches toward the light source, causing long, bare sections of vine.