Despite being nicknamed the “Silver State” due to the 1859 Comstock Lode silver discovery, it’s gold that makes Nevada truly shine. With 200 million ounces of gold and 100 million ounces in reserves
Gold first made its appearance near what we now know as Denver during the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush in 1858. While those early finds were more like pocket change, the real jackpot came a year later with major discoveries in the Central City
The Boise Basin, discovered in 1862, became a top gold-producing area with 2.9 million troy ounces, mostly from placers. Meanwhile, the French Creek-Florence and Silver City districts kicked off their own gold rushes in the 1860
Montana’s gold story begins with the discovery of gold placers at Bannack, sparking a rush to Virginia City (1863) and Helena and Butte (1864).
In 1827, the Haile deposit in Lancaster County was uncovered, which led to the extraction of at least 257,000 troy ounces of gold until 1942, when the mine was shut down.
South Dakota's gold scene is anchored by the Wharf mine in Lead, an open-pit heap leach operation run by Coeur Mining, which produced 109,000 ounces of gold in 2016. The Black Hills, celebrated for their storied mining past
Gold mining in Oregon is centered in two main regions: the Klamath Mountains in the southwest and the Blue Mountains in the northeast. Since the early 1900s, over 4 million ounces of gold have been mined in Oregon